Monday, March 17, 2014

Meme Box 2nd Global Edition

Box: Meme Box

Cost: $21 (plus shipping)

How it Works: Each Meme Box is bought separately and includes several full and deluxe sample size items from well-liked Korean brands. There are no set times or days that new boxes are released, but they tend to have at least one item in stock at all times. 

Shipping Schedule: Varies by box.

Returns: As far as I can tell, you cannot return a box, but if there are any issues you can contact their customer service and they are pretty good about compensating and working with you.

Cancellation: This isn't an actual subscription, so you just don't buy another box.

My Experience:
This is the second Meme Box I have bought. After buying the 3rd, I had really wanted this one to come back in stock, mostly because of the BB cream. You better believe when it showed back up, I jumped right on it!

LJH's Tea Tree Essence ($12.80)
The description and the fact that this is "tea tree" oil make me think it is for calming down acne and blemishes. It's consistency is more like a serum than an oil and there isn't much scent to it. Excited to see if it works since acne is my major skin issue.

Left hand is Shampoo - Right hand is conditioner
Ryoe Jayang Yunmo Anti-Hairloss Hair Pack ($10.67 + Foils)
Before you ask, no, that is not poo in my hands. I know it kind of looks that way, but you just need to get your mind out of the poo gutter. The box came with one bottle of the conditioner and two sample packs of the shampoo with conditioner. I love that they added both so you could see how they work together!

Miguhara B.P. Cream ($7.40)
And now we have B.P. creams. Am I surprised? Nope. The entire alphabet will be used eventually, I'm sure. This is a BB Primer (B P, get it?!), so it's supposed to fill in your pores and make your makeup go on smoother. As you can see, it looks like it worked alright from my swatch, but I'll have to test run it on my face next. I thought it was very generous of them to add two samples of it too!

Maycoop Raw Sauce ($10.67)
Y'all, this packaging! Don't ask me why, but I am a sucker for frosted glass. The stuff inside could do nothing for me at all, and I would still love it for the packaging. But let's be real... I love the name of it too: "Raw Sauce". That just sounds amazing and I want it on my face now. 

a;t fox Tea Toc Water Clear Tablet ($5.00 - Full Size!)
Back when I bought the 3rd box (my first), I had asked the Meme Box customer service people if they would be getting these tablets in stock on their website because the reviews I had seen intrigued me. It's like a soda infused tea... For your face. What is there not to love wholeheartedly about that? I still haven't seen it as a purchasable item on their site, but I'm glad I got the chance to buy this re-stocked 2nd box just so I could try these cute little dudes out.

Holika Holika Skin & Good Cera Super Cream (3.17)
Finally, a brand I have actually heard of! I've never used their products, but I have heard good things about some of their other lines so I can't wait to slather this cream on.

Gowoonsesang Total Active Dual BB Cream ($50 - Full Size!)
Last but not least... My first Asian BB Cream. Hell yeah. The swatch looks a bit light on me though, so we will have to see how it works out. I love the packaging. That's the BB Cream and the SPF getting all swirly in there. Ooooh, yeah.

Full Value: $99.71
I have no way of knowing if these prices are correct. It is difficult to find these products available outside of Korea, even through online retailers, so I am just trusting Meme Box and the prices they listed on the information card that came with the box. Even if their prices are a bit inflated, this box is still well worth $21!

Final Thoughts:
Hella hot damn excited about this box! I will be using everything in here, and I'll have to hold myself back from using them all at the same time. My skin would not thank me for that, nope, not at all. I'll write up some full reviews of the individual products as I use them and form an opinion. The best thing about this box? All the samples are large enough to get multiple uses out of, therefore I will actually have an informed opinion instead of a guestimation! Take that American companies, with your skimpy foils packs of products "you won't see a difference until 2353q4534 uses". 

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